STUPID 'pain and evil

The pain and evil of it all. So many times we shrugg it off just not too think of pain and evil. Especialy when I half to write 1200 words about a christian view on it. ITs even worst when I have read afew hundread words about pain and evil already and On thanksgiving weekend i find out my Uncle has cancer again a tumer near his spine for the third time he is going to battle cancer. But this time He probably won't beable to do cancer treatments this time around. So its alittle hard just to turn around and do another paper stuck in the thick of it all. when i wright this paper pain and this evil of cancer is near my heart, as my prayers dangle on faith in the lord almighty. As i know that .As i know in the that The name of Jesus has ultimate authority over the cancer.So unfortentlly a paper that i said i would be done this week is pending as my mind is fixed in prayer for my uncle and his family.

so heres a few thoughts on pain and evil, the stuff i have started. He gave us this choice to follow him through these tough times and to rely fully and utterly upon his shoulders. As we fight through our pains in our lives and the pains of others together. As it talks about in hebrews may we have persevernece through our trials. Hebrews 12 2 says as we do this "set our eyes upon Jesus........." In the toughest of times i hope i can see Jesus as lord in my pains. Thers more but my insomnia is running out.

So theres alittle rant....whats your thoughts about pain and evil?


AfterVerner said...

I started reading this amazing book, then I lost it, and then I found it again. I think it's called the pain of suffering. Or something ridiculous. I didn't read the title much. But it had amazing thoughts on pain and stuff. As I can't remember them, they cannot be claimed as mine. My thoughts? Undeveloped... But next time I see you, I do have a book for you.

Prayers will be raised all around buddy.

MC said...


Ozmang said...

Pain hurts & Evil sucks... unfortunately we are sinful peoples :( so its an uphill battle.

I do know growth comes in times of trials (but they are the last thing we are thinking of when we hurt, so yeah uh pain hurts but I said that already).
