First roast of the colege season

Well i have had many coffee's now..alot of these coffee's with amazing people, that start amazing convo's. Then theres the coffee's on a personal level, a level that really is just God, me and a cup of coffee maybe two cups. then theres the One amazing cup that decided to commit cup suicide out of my bag and two black cups too fill its place. Multiple split cups on peoples laps. One of the storys of the spilt cups involes me and jermy jumping into my car running away from jason well i forgot my cup on the dash of my car, and as i peel out of the gas station it spills all over Jermy's lap, making it looked like he pee or pooped his pants. I do enjoy the coffee bean, especialy when i have roasted it and then brewed it and had a quality time with God or some friends. I really do enjoy EA the coffee shop... It has nice big tables to sit at and some comfy chair. I haven't found any nice little cafe's in abby yet nothing to boast about. I think we are spoiled on that island of places too drink coffee and walk.. well thats the end of my random coffee post..

IF your going to spew! spew! into this!
little of the chubbs


AfterVerner said...

That's pretty amazingly early. Coffee keeping you up? haha. Sounds like you are still having amazing parties and such. good on ya. And I don't want to spew into that. Trust me, you don't want that either. Even if the spew cannot be stopped.

Ozmang said...

"I like coffee - it makes me ji-ji-jittery" Sanctus Real

So cool about the coffee and all hope you share :O Glad you have made it through the semester thus far...
