first exp in a emerging Church

Well there as i have been stretching my mind about churches and what it looks like right now.. i was asked if i would like too go too a post- modern Church. ANd so i went.. it was interesting. There was four of us so i think thats why no one really said hello to us.but still no one said hello too me once. but they had refreshments and we were all over teh coffee like a fat kid on a smarty. And then we sat down. and they had a short music set, i would say a differnt style of worship. And then pretty much two people on stage would be dialougeing about stuff. SOme times it would be hard too follow. But they talk about God. and bounced there personal expierences off each other. MY only beef with there concept is that they didn't really engage the congregation. It almost seem too simpl. They asked a few questions too the congregation like how has your view of God changed? i believe it was the question. there were a few really good anwsers. IT just never went deeper than that and they moved on. I walked away interested and confused by this style of Church.

what views of Church or the post-modern church do you have?


AfterVerner said...

Programmed ones. So, they are probably wrong. When you grow up in the church, you see what they want you to see, and tell you what it is. This is what you do now, you can not do this, etc. So much that I guess I don't have as much interest in it as maybe I should.

I've never been to a post modern church. Sounds pretty interesting. Or just different.

Ozmang said...

I loved it :)... course I asked you all to go, so I think I'm kinda biased :P
