
For the people who still check the chubber blog still, heres some thoughts. One year later roughly, i feel i haven't grown at all in my push to live by faith. I look back and see attempts, but i also see myself still being materialistic. So for the first post in a couple months iam going to keep it short, but iam thinking and pondering of ways to get past being so materialistic, For the people who still read this, i throw the question at you, if you are, how do you get past being materialistic? how do you be content with what you have?


Ozmang said...

I put 3 empty boxes in the center of the room. 1 to trash anything clutter and damaged things I've kept for no reason whatsoever; 1 to recyclable paper, glass, cans; 1 to donate to a thrift store anything I'm not using or I just have because I'm a packrat and don't need it.

To avoid getting more, I cut my salary, but honestly I'm prepared to pay for what I need but for the most part I don't buy things for myself. Coffee, the odd meal out, and my internet are as materialistic as I've been of late.

JohnRoss said...

live on a mountain. in a cave.