Robot Ethics

For all you terminator/robotics fans out there might find this amuzing and interesting at the same time, i know i did when i first read the article in the National Post, Heres a link from the same article just done by BBC ROBOT ETHICS. The code is quite interesting... what do you think of the ethics?


Rob Petkau said...

No matter how amazing robots get - they will never warrant the respect that the pinnacle of creation does... humans.
Interesting thought though.

MC said...

nooo waaay...
Does this mean that in the future our streets will all be clean like in the sci fi flicks? And just as importantly, will the robots know Kungfu?

JohnRoss said...

i dont care if they can feel pain one day, LOOK OUT!
roundhouse kick
robots have no souls
and are just hunks of junk
(im taking a post takeover attitude)

they will not be able to prevent there fall when they take control
i dont think they will be able to calculate the our lengths were willing to go to take back what is ours.

i was thinking about this the other day. i think it will be pretty fun when you hear on the news that a south korean robotic car factory has gone awal. probally some funny footage as well.

Anonymous said...

lol doc,

all i can say is watch I ROBOT the three laws are pretty much the same and that didnt work out so well for them.... (well i guess it did if your will smith i mean he did save the day and get the girl) but there were a bunch of other people who ummmm yah whats that word.... oh yah died..... watch the movie its not bad

Reid- To The Adventure.