Flowers for no appariant reason

So adding to the randomness of my blog, tonight i will give you some random and some en lighting thoughts about Flowers. Personally i am not a fan of flowers, they just smell way to much, they usely have a great look to them though, if kept in good condition, trimmed, watered daily, pretty much stuff i have never been able to accomplish when it comes to plant life. But i love a good flower painting, or a sketch. Just because of the detail in a flower, i could never really paint alot of detail, always got to bored and moved on. But as i learned in a few of my stagecraft class flowers have there place in symbolism, just as colors do. examples would be daisy's are innocences, mostly because of there white color, and the well know poppy a symbol of consolation. those are just of a few very well know symbols for flowers. Flowers, Flowers


AfterVerner said...

I like how flowers smell... Symbols huh? Okay, let's go on a flower symbol search, and we will find out about flowers that symbolize things that matter.

Daisies make sense for innocence. Children might gather some up for their it works. yup.

Rob Petkau said...

In Lord of the Rings, there's about 5 different flowers that mean something. In the books Sam names his daughter Elanor after a flower that grows in Lothlorien. I've always loved wild tiger lilies personally. They grow in the foothills of the rockies where I used to hike, and always one stands alone in a meadow - kinda like me at the time (I was a loner).

Jaime said...
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Jaime said...

I love flowers!

They always seem to make things more cheery don't you think?