I hate how time dissipates without any knowledge of it actually happeing. One second you are sitting in a Denny's downtown vic at three in the mourning, the next thing you know your sitting in a Ihop in abbotsford with no sleep. Too many many memories rarely thought about. For me i barely ever reminisce of the times that has gone by.
sometimes i think it would be sweet to be in a different century. To be in a time of where you learned to fight with a sword, a sword that has been past down through the family. A sword that would have protected your father and the father before him. To charge into a battle to fight. To see some hero's in the making....
or sometimes to be in a time where nothing has been invented yet. IT really sucks when you invent something but, it already has been invented by some guy afew years earlyer. I still have the best idea for a travel mug. which is probably one of the only inventions of mine t hat was not already invented.
IT would also be sweet to have super powers, i have always wanted to be a cross between wolverine and the beast with the finesse and all of batman's gadgets and such. I would be THE LITTLECHUBB. It would be amazing. I can't wait until i get to build myself a house, its going to have the sweetest underground living area/headquarters ever. I have an amazing plan in my head, Maybe i will up-grade the guns in my car too. or even set up a water canon or somethin from it. Oh yes caleb one day we will build the ultimate car....
yeup so there is the randomness of 1 in the mourninng