"empty handshakes"

Fot the last little while I have been getting frustrated. Frustrated in the area of empty greetings. Mainly at Churches, during the time where people are saposed to greet one another. I don't get it, how can the whole church greet everyone and all that genearly comes up is "hello, how are you" the person answers, "good, how are you". There are variants of this convo, but the end result is nothing. I am actually sick of the "empty handshakes" that go around. I almost want to give a ridicoulous answer to the next person who asks me "how it is goin" without acutally caring. So many people will shake your hand and blindly stare into the abyss, as they move on to the next "empty hanshake"

seriously check it out

Hey, I have been shown this by a good friend, and i thought they were very interesting, CHECKTHESEPICSOUT
let me know what you think,?

Flowers for no appariant reason

So adding to the randomness of my blog, tonight i will give you some random and some en lighting thoughts about Flowers. Personally i am not a fan of flowers, they just smell way to much, they usely have a great look to them though, if kept in good condition, trimmed, watered daily, pretty much stuff i have never been able to accomplish when it comes to plant life. But i love a good flower painting, or a sketch. Just because of the detail in a flower, i could never really paint alot of detail, always got to bored and moved on. But as i learned in a few of my stagecraft class flowers have there place in symbolism, just as colors do. examples would be daisy's are innocences, mostly because of there white color, and the well know poppy a symbol of consolation. those are just of a few very well know symbols for flowers. Flowers, Flowers

Random post of time and super powers

I hate how time dissipates without any knowledge of it actually happeing. One second you are sitting in a Denny's downtown vic at three in the mourning, the next thing you know your sitting in a Ihop in abbotsford with no sleep. Too many many memories rarely thought about. For me i barely ever reminisce of the times that has gone by.

sometimes i think it would be sweet to be in a different century. To be in a time of where you learned to fight with a sword, a sword that has been past down through the family. A sword that would have protected your father and the father before him. To charge into a battle to fight. To see some hero's in the making....

or sometimes to be in a time where nothing has been invented yet. IT really sucks when you invent something but, it already has been invented by some guy afew years earlyer. I still have the best idea for a travel mug. which is probably one of the only inventions of mine t hat was not already invented.

IT would also be sweet to have super powers, i have always wanted to be a cross between wolverine and the beast with the finesse and all of batman's gadgets and such. I would be THE LITTLECHUBB. It would be amazing. I can't wait until i get to build myself a house, its going to have the sweetest underground living area/headquarters ever. I have an amazing plan in my head, Maybe i will up-grade the guns in my car too. or even set up a water canon or somethin from it. Oh yes caleb one day we will build the ultimate car....

yeup so there is the randomness of 1 in the mourninng

AHh. BLAHH... heres my thoughts at 2 am

Its offical I hate wrighting.. and processing my thoughts on to paper. Give me something to build, let my hands go to work at creating. I am actualy sick of school systems stuffing bad marks in my face for not being able to write my thoughts down. and dockin my marks down because i can't stuff all the stuff into my head for a two hour test. The marks keep fighting my heart and mind of what i am doing here. So heres why i am going to Bible college, Just so its out there and people can remind me and hold me accountable. As most people know i am a first year apprentice in carpenty. All fun and good, except when God calls you to build churches and it turns out he means pastor..lol yay.(fear and trembling right now). I am here to learn how to build churches. A church that would be in a coffee shop or somewhere not trapped in a box, of thats a "church". SOmething that shows that Church is more about the relationship and our walk with God. A place where any person feels welcome with in the walls to hang-out to sip a warm beaverage. or pizza. Theres a show called "the weekenders" and its about 4 friends that live out life together and they eat alot of pizza at the local pizza shop and disscus life. Wouldn't it be sweet to have church in such a context. A pizza parlor and discuss Christ and our life struggles with one another. Personaly i Like the coffee better so i think it will probably be more like a coffee shop. So theres most of my dream. my ideas.

Only a sound Guy

So .. the last few years i have been on and off again trying to learn a instrument. I just don't get it. Its like i have no rythem or the rythem in my head isn't connecting so nicely with my hands and my feet. I have lost all motivation in playing an instrument. I really enjoy music i wish i could jam and just play along some times. But for now i will just stay in the sound booth. And just maybe one day i will be able to figure out how to play.