my poor car

WEll its almost till the end of this cars life but i have to suck the life out of it alittle longer. as a search is on for a newer car. But without any warning my altenator oh joy. the best part of it was that me and a friend were going to travel too van for the day on sat too visit the omegas house. so if you hear of any great deals for a car let me know.

TACO brain bender

ITs a taco brain bender of how much God loves YOu.!!!
and don't forget it

kinda of new or just differnt.. in other words keepin it real

so recently, i have changed my coffee preferneces to a shot in the dark. a hammer head. ITs pretty much a americano just instead of water it is coffee added to the beaverage. I have also made a roaster that sits out side the window . so i can roast from my window. SO just keepin it real. I believe have passed all of my mid-terms, i don't fully know that. But one can hope. My english Grammer is still haunting to this day. I still have no clue of what they are talking about and its been explain since i was alittle little guy. So will see how it goes.

first exp in a emerging Church

Well there as i have been stretching my mind about churches and what it looks like right now.. i was asked if i would like too go too a post- modern Church. ANd so i went.. it was interesting. There was four of us so i think thats why no one really said hello to us.but still no one said hello too me once. but they had refreshments and we were all over teh coffee like a fat kid on a smarty. And then we sat down. and they had a short music set, i would say a differnt style of worship. And then pretty much two people on stage would be dialougeing about stuff. SOme times it would be hard too follow. But they talk about God. and bounced there personal expierences off each other. MY only beef with there concept is that they didn't really engage the congregation. It almost seem too simpl. They asked a few questions too the congregation like how has your view of God changed? i believe it was the question. there were a few really good anwsers. IT just never went deeper than that and they moved on. I walked away interested and confused by this style of Church.

what views of Church or the post-modern church do you have?

First roast of the colege season

Well i have had many coffee's now..alot of these coffee's with amazing people, that start amazing convo's. Then theres the coffee's on a personal level, a level that really is just God, me and a cup of coffee maybe two cups. then theres the One amazing cup that decided to commit cup suicide out of my bag and two black cups too fill its place. Multiple split cups on peoples laps. One of the storys of the spilt cups involes me and jermy jumping into my car running away from jason well i forgot my cup on the dash of my car, and as i peel out of the gas station it spills all over Jermy's lap, making it looked like he pee or pooped his pants. I do enjoy the coffee bean, especialy when i have roasted it and then brewed it and had a quality time with God or some friends. I really do enjoy EA the coffee shop... It has nice big tables to sit at and some comfy chair. I haven't found any nice little cafe's in abby yet nothing to boast about. I think we are spoiled on that island of places too drink coffee and walk.. well thats the end of my random coffee post..

IF your going to spew! spew! into this!
little of the chubbs

STUPID 'pain and evil

The pain and evil of it all. So many times we shrugg it off just not too think of pain and evil. Especialy when I half to write 1200 words about a christian view on it. ITs even worst when I have read afew hundread words about pain and evil already and On thanksgiving weekend i find out my Uncle has cancer again a tumer near his spine for the third time he is going to battle cancer. But this time He probably won't beable to do cancer treatments this time around. So its alittle hard just to turn around and do another paper stuck in the thick of it all. when i wright this paper pain and this evil of cancer is near my heart, as my prayers dangle on faith in the lord almighty. As i know that .As i know in the that The name of Jesus has ultimate authority over the cancer.So unfortentlly a paper that i said i would be done this week is pending as my mind is fixed in prayer for my uncle and his family.

so heres a few thoughts on pain and evil, the stuff i have started. He gave us this choice to follow him through these tough times and to rely fully and utterly upon his shoulders. As we fight through our pains in our lives and the pains of others together. As it talks about in hebrews may we have persevernece through our trials. Hebrews 12 2 says as we do this "set our eyes upon Jesus........." In the toughest of times i hope i can see Jesus as lord in my pains. Thers more but my insomnia is running out.

So theres alittle rant....whats your thoughts about pain and evil?