idano something for mr Anonymous

To the person who left a comment and no name , i strongly don't like that. But i just read this book The jesus i never knew. I highly reccomend it. It showed me even more of how jesus wants to know the lost, alost world in spirtual matters. A good qoute from phillip yancey is "The feeding of the five thousand illustrates why Jesus, with all the supernatural powers at his command, showed such ambivalence toward miracles. They attracted crowds and applause,yes, But rarely encourged repentance and long-term faith. He was bringing a hard message of obiedience and sacrafice, not a sideshow for gawkers and sensation seekers." Jesus wasn't here in a sense to do miracles as yancey says but to bring it farther, is he was here to build relationship with his people and show us his love. And He walks a path of so much obiedience and sarafice and shows us in away of how we should try to follow his teachings . so theres a piece of pie of what is in my head right now. I keep staying up all night and talking to people about Christ and his church and meeting some pretty rad people of my first weeks here i can't wait for the next few


Rob Petkau said...

Good Word Bro!
I like the pie in your head, thanks for sharing a peice with me!

Read Luke 14: 25-35, Jesus is pretty harsh with those who want to follow him. You've pinpointed a side of Jesus we don't talk about enough!

Jaime said...

I'm reading that book right now~ Very good!
Glad you're meeting some pretty rad people.
Wow I haven't heard that word in a while...rad!

AfterVerner said...

Clearly it was your blog talking to you... Mine doesn't do that a lot.

It makes sense. Why would the God of love come down to put on a light show? Exactly. Keep meeting people. Keep learning stuff. That'll make for a bigger pie. I know you're hungry.