Invisible lists

As i have continued to ponder during the last few weeks even months since my child is born, I have realized that i have preconcieved lists in my brain that I do things by. For example; When my little girl is crying and Michelle isn't home i try certian things to comfort her, after 5 or 6 times i noticed i did things in order as well. Check the diaper, food, gas, cramps, bounce, then the bounce with a tap on the bum, and then if all else fails gripe water. This list is not written down or is set in place, it just kinda happened.

As i pondered my relationship with God I starred into an labrynth of the 'lists' of how i deal with life and God. This isn't a bad thing but it can be, let me explain. If my relationship with God is kinda getting rough and rely on the invisible list to help me and revive my heart. Before i go on writing and bumbling here I need to stop and ask you, does any one else try to fix there relationship with God with things that have worked for them before?

This may be might best explanation of what is in my brain and trying to convey. The bad part of this is if we jump to a conclusion that we must pray more and that will fix the problem, we might have jumped. If my daughter and I are having a rought time through the evening while michelle is gone and I precieve that she is hungry and really she is teething and needs some grip water or something of that nature. We are putting are human nature, or human desire to fix the situation in the way of God and you working through the situation together.

I think that as we release some of these ideas that we have built up in the way we can really focus on seeing what God is really showing to us.

Does this make any sense or is this baby babble?

The Return

Ahem! The blogging has began!

For those of you that don't know I have had tons of changes in my life in the last 2 years, marriage, baby, graduated, moved, hired, two jobs-Pastor at Genesis christian centre in Nanaimo, and a Construction company.

With this much craziness prayer has been a difficult in my life! yes a person who is persueing in a sense a carreer of pastoring has troubles to pray with in a terrible schedule. We has humans are full of excuses, as much as I can justify not having time to pray, it is still after all our communication with God!

As it is a necessity in ones life, it needs its own place in our day. The best possible solution is following Christs example.

Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed

Luke 4:42 At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them.

There are afew other verses about this topic, but what i want to share with you today is highlighted in both of these verses, Jesus withdrew to a solitary place, and secondly he withdrew before starting to preaching the good news at the next city.

We need to find time to withdraw to a time one on one with God. Withdrawing may not to be as severe as withdrawing like a monk into a cell, but more like that spot in your house, or the walk by the beach, the hike up the mountain, or the chair on the back porch. Bad places to withdraw to may be the bedroom where sleep comes to easy, or the computer or tv where distractions are compelling.

My heart in this message is that we withdraw and pray.

waiting part-3

Adventure that it has been, its been hard though, i blame it on my studies, my first week of death is almost over and soon i will be starting my second week of death as i go into another week of projects due. Death. My sleeping habits have reverted back to high school years when i slept in the day mostly and was up all night and slept in shifts when and where i could mostly english class. This has finally reverted back again, as i am up all night doing homework, reading, watching cartoons, eating cookies, and pondering life, truth and hope. and i sleep between classes the next day. oh darn.

Its been good though, in my doctrine class which i am doing rather well in if i say so myself, we rabbit trailed to worshiping God, and threw all our answers and we came quickly to the decision that we worship God because he is truly God. Because God is who he is. Recently i have kept a running conversation in my mind about entertainment and the church, and how we are combining the two without even realizing it. At the moment i can't worship to a band on Sunday mourning, its no longer enabling my thoughts to give thanks to God for who he is! The entertainment factor of band worship, is a big blob distorting peoples lifestyles of worship.

I don't want to rant, about it but i think its worth a thought to look at the way you personally worship God! and the reasons why you worship the way you do!

Any thoughts?

Dag. THats some good Stationary!

All i have to say, is this is some pinpricking good stationary, probably one of the best ball point pens ever constructed

Went for a walk, and was thinking when the batteries ran out on the camera.

This one is actually from the car window, kinda of a quick shot that worked out. It wasn't intentional to take my camera, just was wanting to walk and think. Except it turned into a nice day, the sun peaked out of the clouds, it was a nice distraction from my homework.

Enjoy, take care!

Waiting-Part 2

Intensity still reigns,
Passion for more is still,

I weep for a friend, name is unsaid
debt, and uncertainty brought the change
the music now fades

towns are still close, your on the way out of town
I wish i could have told you more,
there was so much life to offer

He loves you deeply! Please see Please hear our plea
my words, images don't do him a piece of justice
I am sorry for that my friend

May his wonderful life meet you,

My friends, I like this as a greeting,
instead of hello, it has become so meaningless

Recently i was at the conference of the ministry in Abbotsford,
Enjoying the time spent with some nice folks, from the island (the list is long)
thanks for the fellowship it was most excellent

The speaker left me with affirmation that waiting is ok
only if you wait in; fasting and prayer
in that order so your hungry for change, and your showing discipline
and if you fast in selfishness, it leaves you empty and hungry

For the longest time i never been introed to the ministry conference
why did no one tell me about it, or was i being closed eared
It was amazing to see such amazing pastors and wives or husbands, missionaries, church elders, and teachers.
It was good to see such passion, tiredness, love
I feel scared that i will be going into a ministry role, i see the joy, and the underlying weight ofitall

The track that i attended was excellent
I have decided that even when you have taken half a course on something it shouldn't make you feel like you know the contact, this track pointed out new facts, and truths that clearly were clouded from early mournings, (early mournings and i don't mix- it hasn't improve-i hope it would, its to tiring to constantly be up early)
Tomrows's tracks should be good, as well, iam stoaked,

Theres alot to be stoaked about, I have alot to be thankful for.

Its late, theres alot here to comment on.. !

TakeCare Godbless!